Jaguar I-pace road trip 

“Electric is the future”. This is becoming quite a prominent saying among the global motoring community. Yet, some might believe that higher income countries (HICs) will adapt to this technology much faster than middle- and lower income countries, such as Southern African regions. While this might be true, the electric vehicle (EV) movement is also being fast-tracked in Southern Africa, with Jaguar being one of the main motivating car manufacturers, as they aim for a 2025 switch.  

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Tested: 2020 Jaguar i-Pace EV400 AWD S

Move aside “auto Boomer”

The auto industry is currently being infiltrated by negative remarks from two sides. On one side, we have the non-auto lovers; those who passionately believe that all vehicles are the same. On the other side of the spectrum, we have hardcore vehicle lovers, but who believes that the future of the industry seems bleak and without exciting prospects.

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Padtoets: 2020 Jaguar i-Pace

Skuif opsy, jou “auto Boomer”

Die voertuig of “auto” industrie word tans van twee kante aangevat. Aan die een kant is daar die nie-voertuig liefhebbers, wat glo dat elke voertuig dieselfde is en dat daar nie regtig enige genot uit die aankoop van ‘n nuwe voertuig geput kan word nie. Aan die ander kant van die spektrum, kry ons (vir die eenvoudige redes sal ons na hulle verwys as…) “voertuig Boomers”. Hierdie is wel voertuig liefhebbers, maar dié, wat glo dat die auto industrie se toekoms vervelig lyk. Binnekort sal die nie-voertuig liefhebbers en die huidige “boomers” dus transformeer in een (vervelige en voorspelbare) homogene massa.

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