Geskiedenis: DKW

Oud maar nog nie koud nie!

In die laat vyftigerjare en vroeë sestigs was daar seker een motor wat almal se verbeelding aangegryp het; die DKW. As dit nie vir sy uitstekende vertonings op die renbaan en in tydrenne was nie, was dit ten minste die half outydse bakvorm en dan daardie “put, put, put” klank van die tweeslagenjin as hy luier.

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Tested: Chevrolet Trailblazer 2.8D LTZ 4×4

Butch presence and new gadgets – we test the updated Chevrolet Trailblazer.

Right, so you live in Suburbia, have a couple of kids and lead an active lifestyle. Where before a “Kombi”, some station wagon or 4×4 double-cab may have done the trick, your next automotive purchase must tick all those boxes. Stand around any respectable Namibian braai and most attendees would strongly advise Toyota’s recurrent Fortuner, but we at NamWheels would like to suggest the new Chevrolet Trailblazer…

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Top 5: Cars of the Year 2016

So here’s something different. Each year we list our favourite new cars which were launched over the last 12 months but this time around, instead of us telling you which ones we liked, our Facebook page invited YOU to vote your favourite new ride of 2016.

The list of candidates was chosen from the launches we attended or vehicles we thought were brilliant newcomers and worthy of being included in this line-up.

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Tested: Chevrolet Captiva 2.2D LT

The simple ethos

There’s one question I keep getting asked and, wouldn’t you know it, just this morning someone enquired again what the best car was that I drove recently. Quite ironically, I mentioned the Chevrolet Captiva, which caused a fair amount of consternation as it’s certainly not a superb automobile. So why did I mention a mediocre car?

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Top List: Boot Space

Ag no man. Your mother-in-law is coming along on holiday and the kids want to take ALL their toys and sports equipment along. Where are you going to fit all of this?

Perhaps you have already invested in a sizable trailer and decent roof-top box but your car simply can’t handle more luggage. Well, we at NamWheels love to help and have compiled a list of cars with at least 400L of luggage space. Big enough to put your skoonma in the boot.

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Geskiedenis: 50 jaar Bokser enjin!

Goliath en die berg Fuji – Subaru vier 50 jaar van die waterverkoelde bokserenjin.

Hierdie is nie ‘n Bybelse storie met ‘n snaakse nadraai nie; dis ‘n doodgewone mouterstorie. Dit kom uit die dae toe motors in Duitsland nog buitengewone name gehad het en die berg Fuji in Japan ook die naam geword het van ‘n maatskappy wat skepe, vliegtuie en later motors begin maak het.

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Top List: best non-4×4 ground clearance

Do you bang the middle man?

(is jy bang vir die middelmannetjie?) So you live on a plaas but don’t have / want a 4×4. Here’s a list of affordable cars with high ground clearance that are not 4×4, SUV’s, AWD, Crossovers, Bakkies, LCV’s, etc. 

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Top 5: Tow Vehicles

So it’s finally holiday time and you’re off to the coast with your boat to visit the in-laws. Or perhaps your daughter got a new horse for Christmas? In both cases you have our sympathy.

Jokes aside though, here’s our little list of cars that can tow big loads, arranged by number of models and total weight. Please note that we based this list on manufacturer’s figures and advise that you confirm any data with your local retailer.

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Vergelyking: Trailblazer vs Fortuner

Chevrolet Trailblazer 2.8 LTZ teen Toyota Fortuner 3.0 D4D; of is dit omgekeerd?

Vergelykende toetse is een van die tendense wat die afgelope dekade of wat al hoe meer gewild raak by motorjoernaliste. Tot dusver het ek my weerhou van sulke direkte vergelykings omdat elke voertuig en voertuigtipe op sy eie meriete beoordeel moet word.

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Padtoets: Chevrolet Cruze 1.4 T Luikrug

General Motors se vars aanslag

General Motors het op ‘n vroeë stadium al Chevrolet/Opel luikrugmodelle op ons mark aangebied. Vriend Frans, die veelsydige arts en motorkenner wat moeilik ‘n winskoop kan laat verbygaan, het onlangs ‘n Opel luikrug uit die tagtigerjare gekoop – om later natuurlik weer te verkoop.

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