Padtoets: 2022 Land Rover Defender 90 Aangejaagde V8

Waarom ’n reeds perfekte resep probeer verander?

Persoonlik was ‘n V8 Land Rover Defender 90 nog altyd vir my ’n aantrekkings krag. Terwyl ’n swart voertuig nie noodwendig die beste keuse is vir die bosveld, of die Suider-Afrikaanse hitte nie (en wit of ligte silver meer verkiesbaar sou wees), is die V8 se brul maar nou eens maar net ’n droom. Terwyl die V8 se krag die 90 uit enige modder gat kon bring, en ’n dominansie aankondig, was die brandstof tenk gereeld dors. 

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Padtoets: 2019 Ford Ranger Raptor

Vir vele stedelike inwoners is daar nie veel aanloklikheid rakende bakkies nie… en met goeie rede. Behalwe vir die duursame V6 bakkie hier en daar, is die natuur van hierdie tipe voertuig onprakties vir die stad. Breed, harde vering en ‘n tekort aan ‘n kattebak is maar net sekere van die probleme. Tot onlangs is die bakkie (of die “pickup” in Engels) gesien as ‘n voertuig vir die plaas en werkverrigting. Die klem word ergter hier geplaas op ‘tot onlangs’…

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Tested: 2019 Jaguar XJ50

Many years ago, special and limited editions were all the automotive rage. Where most nations have moved on, the U.K. got stuck on Special Editions so badly that it’s almost impossible to purchase a non-SE automobile. Even high-end stuff like this Jaguar XJ get the treatment, although this XJ50 model is rather more bespoke than a 320d SE…

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The motorsport conundrum

Text: Franco Theron and Junaid Samodien

Since the dawn of the 19th century, motorsport has always existed due to two key factors. Through the decades, these factors have either worked together very closely and successfully or either against one another, proving unsustainable for the sport. These two factors speak to the needs of the spectators as well as the big manufacturers (brands). The following article will analyse the movement of the motorsport world into different directions, perhaps towards an imbalance between the two factors.

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