Padtoets: 2019 Renault Kwid (ABS)

Kyk ma, ek het remme…

Sedert 2017 was ons baie gelukkig (of dalk ongelukkig) om die Renault Kwid reeks deeglik te toets. Die geleentheid is aan ons gebied om beide die AMT “outomaties” (hoe dit ookal geklasifiseer mag word) en handrat weergawes te kon toets en soos vele ander menings, was ons nie oorweldigend positief nie.

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Launched: VW Golf & GTi

Volkswagen’s Golf range continues to set the trend – we attended the recent press launch.

When thinking about the Golf, my personal recollection is the vivid memory of my childhood friend, whose father owned a Golf GTi Mk2. It became a family member, a car that stayed in the family for 18 years. At the end, the car and family only separated due to unfortunate circumstances. In fact, until today it is likely that you’ll hear a similar story from GTi (or Golf) owners.

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Bekendstelling: Toyota Etios Sprint

Bekostigbare vervoer en ‘n naam wat mens kan vertrou.

Die Etios was nog altyd ‘n baie belangrike model in die stal van Toyota Suid Afrika en dié model is redelik gewild in ‘n baie kompiterende segment. Dit bied bekostigbare vervoer in ‘n tyd wat motors baie duur geword het. Toyota se Etios word in Indië vervaardig vir die Indiese mark, asook vir Suidelike Afrika, Brasilië en Indonesië.

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Sprint Review: Hyundai Tucson 1.7D MT Executive

A new car, lots of information in short paragraphs.

What you need to know: Hyundai’s popular compact SUV started as the Tucson, became the ix35 and then reverted back to Tucson for this third generation. With ever-improving design, quality, specifications and warranties, it’s no wonder that this range of Korean soft-roaders has become a roaring success. 

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Pad toets: Opel Astra 1-liter

Europese Kampioen van die jaar!

Wayde van Niekerk het bewys dat bultende spiere en ‘n groot lyf nie noodwendig beter is as goeie gene nie! Dieselfde kan van die nuwe Opel Astra met sy klein 1-liter enjin gesê word. Hier in die 1970’s was die vierkantige Kadett ‘n gesogte voertuig wat eerlike waarde vir geld verteenwoordig het…

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Launch Report: Hyundai Tucson Diesel

The strong contender

The new Hyundai Tucson has been making quite a few waves since it arrived in our market around March of this year. Besides its double name change from Tucson to ix35 and back to Tucson again for this third generation SUV, it’s also garnered quite a bit of praise from the local media. Chicks dig it.

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Top 5: Driver Aids

Ever wondered what all those fun, colourful lights on your dashboard mean? While we couldn’t explain all of them, here is our top 5 list of helpful driver aids. You know, the magic pixie stuff that makes your car behave when you may or may not have over-driven it.

We’ve also included descriptions of how this magic actually works so that you won’t get a fright when the brake pedal aggressively massages you during an emergency stop…

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Launch Report: Suzuki Vitara

The cheerful combo

Cars can be so boring. White and silver boxes stuck in a slow and endless march to work, seas of grey metal in a dark multi-story office car park with the odd red or yellow specimen parked under a sign proclaiming “Reserved for Marketing”. Suzuki certainly recognized this with the launch of their brand-new Vitara.

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