Heavens above. You know that electricity is serious about conquering the car world when it weasels its way into the region’s favourite workhorse…
Padtoets: 2024 Toyota Hilux GR-S III
Toyota tref die balans net mooi
“Bakkies het vervelig geword”, ’n mening, wat ek nou die dag met een oor tydens ’n gesprek gehoor het; ’n sentiment, wat sekerlik onder vele stedelinge rommel. Vir die plattelandse bevolking, waar die werksverrigting meer belangrik is as ‘n “veilige” laaibak vir fietse, of om ’n kampsleepwa te trek, is estetika minder belangrik.
Sprint Review: Toyota Fortuner 2.8 GD-6 VX 4×4 A/T
The square root of 144 is 12. Iceland has the highest number of per-capita Nobel Prize winners, at just one recipient. I could continue with vaguely irrelevant facts because let’s be honest, you already know everything about this Toyota Fortuner.
Vergelyking: 2023 Toyota Corolla Hybrid sedan en luikrug
Toyota se hibriede voertuie is ongetwyfeld ’n winskoop in Suid-Afrika. Nie net is dit betroubaar (weens die Toyota parte) nie, maar is dit ook bekostigbaar. Hierdie is grootendeels te danke aan die Toyota plant wat plaaslik die voertuie aanmekaar sit (in Durban). Natuurlik elimineer dit die invoers- en belasting- onkostes.
Sprint Review: 2023 Toyota Urban Cruiser 1.5 XR Auto
Unless you’ve been living under a rock for a while, what you’re looking at now is a Suzuki Vitara disguised as a Toyota Urban Cruiser. Here’s my impression of this white XR Automatic model…
Tested: 2023 Toyota GR 86
Despite its rampant local sales successes, I find Toyota to be a peculiar and unpredictable brand. From pioneering hybrids to ignoring the EV craze, or using smaller companies to badge-engineer new products for them… it’s all jolly confusing to someone who isn’t a member of their planning committee.
Sprint Review: 2023 Toyota C-HR
I’ve typed it before and I’ll type it again: because it stuck out like a saw thumb, the futuristic C-HR is dragging the rest of its slab-sided Toyota silbings – kicking and screaming – into a new stylish design direction.
Sprint Review: 2023 Toyota Corolla Cross GR-S
Have you ever met perfection? Although it couldn’t be any further from my ideal vehicle, I’d like you to meet the perfect South African car.
Padtoets: 2023 Toyota Vitz XR
Vitz nou Toyota se intree model
Toyota het onlangs ‘n paar veranderinge aan hul model-reeks gemaak, waarvan die mees onlangse die vervanging van die Agya was. Die nuwe Vitz tree dus die mark in as Toyota se mees bekostigbare voertuig, selfs goedkoper as die Agya (maar na ons mening, veel beter).