Die EV revolusie

’n Bewys dat elektriese voertuie meer koste effektief word.

Wêreldwyd is daar ’n geweldige menings polarisasie as dit by elektriese voertuie kom, en in Suid Afrika is dit nie veel anders. Hoewel die elektriese revolusie redelik traag in ontwikkelende lande is, het ons al ’n vêr pad gestap sedert die eerste elektriese voertuig (EV) in die suidelike halfrond aangeland het.

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Nuwe Suzuki Fronx indrukke

Augustus was beslis ‘n merkwaardige maand vir Suzuki Suid Afrika. In Julie het Suzuki Suid Afika hul 201 417e nuwe voertuig verkoop, sedert die vervaardiger weer in die land ingekom het (2008). Net ses-jaar terug (Augustus 2017) het hierdie verkoopsgetal op 50 000 gestaan. In die afgelope jaar alleen, het die vervaardiger net soveel voertuie verkoop.

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Suzuki se Swift Sport iets vir almal

As een van die hoof borge van die 2023 Simola heuwelren, het Suzuki nie net die tweede gekom in die enkel sitplek en sportsmotor klas nie, maar het die vervaardiger ook drie stok standaard Suzuki Swift Sports ingeskryf om te bewys dat enigiemand pret ken hê by die heuwelren.

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Except for Putin, EV’s are currently the hot topic

Public opinion is a very interesting development to always keep an eye on. Globally, in both higher (HICs) – and Medium Income Countries (MICs), the best current example is that of Electric Vehicles. While HICs have already accepted this paradigm shift, thanks to increased EV infrastructures, up until two months ago, MICs were still hesitant. This is about to change.

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The W206, one hit wonder or the best of both worlds?

Words and Images by
Karl-Heinz Eisenberg

I had the privilege of having a look at the new C-Class a year before it made production, and already then I knew Mercedes-Benz was onto something. Every part of the prototypes told me that the engineers at Sindelfingen were out for mass produced perfection. After all, the 206 has something to prove to the world. Let me explain:

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Time to go electric?

Why make the move to electric mobility

Jaguar South Africa recently sent a press release on the “benefits of electric mobility”, stating the reasons as to why electric cars should not be seen as a new ‘gimmick’. Whilst electric cars might seem ‘far-fetched’ for the African continent at the moment, with only a scarce 1000 currently registered in South Africa, the electric revolution is currently being fast-tracked as technologies are becoming ever more cost-effective, with a longer life span and range.

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Whatever happened to…?

We’re unsure what the scientific term for them is but let’s call them fanfare heroes… entering our market with a huge bang only to go straight down the slippery slide of obscurity. Y’all know what we mean, right? Here, allow us to explain.

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