The square root of 144 is 12. Iceland has the highest number of per-capita Nobel Prize winners, at just one recipient. I could continue with vaguely irrelevant facts because let’s be honest, you already know everything about this Toyota Fortuner.
Kort die Fortuner werklik nog blootstelling?
Die week op toets het ons die nuwe 2.8 Toyota Fortuner. Snaaks genoeg het altwee my bure ook een. Rits vinnig af na die winkelsentrum en dit is moeilik om nie langs ’n Fortuner te parkeer nie.
Lineage: Toyota Hilux
How do you sum up one of the world’s most popular vehicles? Easy, step by step with a bit of detail for each generation…
Padtoets: 2019 Isuzu MU-X 3.0 4×2
Isuzu roep die troepe
As dit by voertuie kom, is daar maar nou net een baie sterk neiging in die Suider-Afrikaanse mark tydens die afgelope paar jare (of eintlik dekades). Meeste van ons soek ‘n gemaklike, veilige en praktiese voertuig vir die langpad. Nog meer, is ons selfs meer in ons nappies as die voertuig ‘n kamp sleepwa, karavaan of boot kan sleep.
Tested: 2018 Toyota Fortuner 2.4 GD-6 4×4 AT
Fortuner 2.4 expands line-up
Selling more than 1000 units every month, the Toyota Fortuner stands as the leader in the SUV market. During our test of the 2.8 GD6 (2017) and our latest test in 2018, it was not uncommon to find at least three Fortuners behind one another in a traffic queue. Late in 2017, the Fortuner line-up was expanded with a smaller 2.4 engine. It was time to test this newcomer.
Tested: Chevrolet Trailblazer 2.8D LTZ 4×4
Butch presence and new gadgets – we test the updated Chevrolet Trailblazer.
Right, so you live in Suburbia, have a couple of kids and lead an active lifestyle. Where before a “Kombi”, some station wagon or 4×4 double-cab may have done the trick, your next automotive purchase must tick all those boxes. Stand around any respectable Namibian braai and most attendees would strongly advise Toyota’s recurrent Fortuner, but we at NamWheels would like to suggest the new Chevrolet Trailblazer…
Top 5: Cars of the Year 2016
So here’s something different. Each year we list our favourite new cars which were launched over the last 12 months but this time around, instead of us telling you which ones we liked, our Facebook page invited YOU to vote your favourite new ride of 2016.
The list of candidates was chosen from the launches we attended or vehicles we thought were brilliant newcomers and worthy of being included in this line-up.
Padtoets: Toyota Fortuner
“Ek wou nog altyd seil, maar my vrees vir water oorweldig my!”
Sedert Toyota se Fortuner model in 2005 bekend gestel is, het hierdie voertuig as die mees suksesvolle 4×4 familie-voertuig bekend gestaan. Ontwerp om ‘n tussenganger van die destydse Condor en die Prado modelle te wees, het hierdie voertuig ‘n relatief goedkoper opsie aan die koper gebied. Dit sou ook op die Hilux DNA ontwerp word en uiteraard ook dieselfde karaktereienskappe bevat.
Top 5: Tow Vehicles
So it’s finally holiday time and you’re off to the coast with your boat to visit the in-laws. Or perhaps your daughter got a new horse for Christmas? In both cases you have our sympathy.
Jokes aside though, here’s our little list of cars that can tow big loads, arranged by number of models and total weight. Please note that we based this list on manufacturer’s figures and advise that you confirm any data with your local retailer.