Tested: Jeep Renegade

The recoiling joy

Remember that nasty recession in 2009? Car makers certainly do; especially the big American trio of General Motors, Ford and Chrysler. Despite budget cuts and government bailouts, the automotive ménage à trois could not save all their brands and GM had to cull Oldsmobile, Hummer, Pontiac and others.

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Tested: 2010 Chevrolet Lumina SS

The cruel temptation

Certain cars raise the eyelids and saliva levels of petrol heads and guarantee their owners, even temporary ones, a crowd of inquisitive onlookers. The escalating-pitch one-word “And?” is a favourite question you’ll have to endure when you hold the key to a Chevrolet Lumina SS.

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Padtoets: 2009 Dodge Journey CRD

Die veelsydige alternatief

Die Dodge Journey moet eintlik ‘n reuse sukses wees, nie net in sy tuisland, die VSA nie. Nes ons Namibiërs het die meeste mense wêreldwyd die SUV / sportnutsvoertuig of 4×4 se doeleindes heeltemal verkeerd vertolk en het hulle die koop van so ‘n groot spogmotor met redes soos veiligheid en spasie probeer verdedig.

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