Lineage: Mercedes-Benz S-Class Coupés

Interested in this new top-of-the-range model from Mercedes-Benz? You’ll be glad to know that it comes with an amazing set of ancestors – some of which now cost more than a new one!

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Tested: 2018 Mercedes-Benz S560 AMG Line

The black sorcery 

Top dog, alpha fe/male, king of the hill. These expressions may be outdated or even frowned upon in our modern society but their meaning remains the same – identifying a leader. Of course this can also be done in the automotive world and while my latest test car may have an increasing number of rivals, I think that the Mercedes S-Class is still top dog.

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Top List: Boot Space

Ag no man. Your mother-in-law is coming along on holiday and the kids want to take ALL their toys and sports equipment along. Where are you going to fit all of this?

Perhaps you have already invested in a sizable trailer and decent roof-top box but your car simply can’t handle more luggage. Well, we at NamWheels love to help and have compiled a list of cars with at least 400L of luggage space. Big enough to put your skoonma in the boot.

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Tested: Mercedes-Benz C300 Coupé Edition 1

The flowing beauty

In the eye of the beholder. Beauty can be a fickle, fleeting and quite subjective matter but occasionally it can also be universal. This most certainly applies to the Mercedes-Benz C300 Coupé I tested recently because everyone – every single observer I talked to – noted how pretty it looked.

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Tested: Mercedes-Benz A250 Sport

The capable drive

Around the 1990’s, Mercedes-Benz jumped on the band-wagon of extending their product range. Where before the E-Class, S-Class, SL and Geländewagen were all the cars you could ever need, showrooms were suddenly cluttered with the likes of C-Class, CLK, SLK, ML and A-Class.

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