Top 5: Crazy Rides

Let us guess. You are the kind of person who can identify most cars by their sound. You have seen every episode of Top Gear. You enjoy the smell of freshly-burned rubber. Petrol attendants start dancing when they see you coming and the local tyre retailer knows you by your first name. You need a list of cars that’ll excite you. You need this top5…

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Launched: Mercedes-Benz C/E63 AMG 

The intoxicating blend

After a tad of insomnia and some Google-assisted self diagnosis, it turns out that I have a severe case of withdrawal symptoms. Dilated pupils, dry mouth, extended forearms with clenched fists, restlessness and thundering big block noises in my ears lead me to believe that I yearn for more sixty-three ah emm gee. 

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