Let us guess. You are the kind of person who can identify most cars by their sound. You have seen every episode of Top Gear. You enjoy the smell of freshly-burned rubber. Petrol attendants start dancing when they see you coming and the local tyre retailer knows you by your first name. You need a list of cars that’ll excite you. You need this top5…
Chevrolet Ute Force heads to Namibia
Chevrolet South Africa
Ute Force deliver soccer dreams to 12 schools in Windhoek’s largest township
Windhoek – Soccer players from 12 schools in Windhoek today honed their football skills in the Chevrolet Day of Play at the Katutura Youth Centre in the Katutura Township.
Tested: 2012 Chevrolet Lumina UTE SSV
The big reputation
Of all the months in a year, October surely has the worst reputation. The seasons are in an awkward change, car sales slump, scholars and students are panicking, the Christmas holidays are too far away yet big supermarkets already annoy us with merry decorations.
Bekendstelling: Chevrolet Utility [2011]
Chevrolet se nuwe Ute
Die nuwe BRIC handelsooreenkoms, wat onder andere Brasilië, Indië en nou ook Suid-Afrika insluit, kry praktiese neerslag in die vervaardiging van die nuwe Chevrolet Ute wat nou onlangs by ons op die mark sy opwagting gemaak het.
Tested: 2010 Chevrolet Lumina SS UTE
The crazy extrovert
Shortly before composing this text I closed the curtains, made myself a cup of tea, killed all telephones and put on some Type 0 Negative. I want my peace and quiet. A week of driving the Chevrolet Lumina SS UTE has completely saturated my need for attention.