Padtoets: Mercedes-Benz GLC 250 d 4Matic

Boere Rolls Royce? ‘n Mercedes bly ‘n Mercedes!

Ten spyte van al die nuutste tegnologie en hoë-verrigting modelle van ander Duitse vervaardigers bly die driepuntige ster op die sierrooster steeds dié simbool wat getuig van vakmanskap, tydlose styl en goeie, gesofistikeerde smaak!

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Launched: Audi A3 Sportback 

The sophisticated choice

Good news. If you’re in the market for a premium hatchback, your extremely tasty choices have just been supplemented with a rejuvenated version of an old favourite – the Audi A3 Sportback. Ingolstadt’s regular 3-door A3 arrived late last year, the Sportback 5-door version took a little longer to gestate.

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Bekendstelling: Toyota Auris [2013]

Toyota wys sy nuwe Auris

Ontmoet mens die huidige dinamiese en charismatiese hoofuitvoerende beampte van die Toyota maatskappy, Akio Toyoda, is dit byna vanselfsprekend dat die familienaam êrens ‘n aansluiting moet hê met die produk self.  En dit is dan ook inderdaad so.

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Bekendstelling: Volkswagen Amarok D/K outomaties

Nuwe Woestyntemmer!

Volkswagen van Suid-Afrika het so-pas sy nuwe Amarok dubbelkajuit, met ‘n nuwe 8-gang outomatiese ratkas, in die Namibwoestyn aan motorjoernaliste bekendgestel. Dit was letterlik en figuurlik ‘n WARM geleentheid met temperature wat by 55 grade Celsius gaan draai het; verder is die nuwe Volkswagen bakkie, met sy outomatiese ratkas en permanente vierwielaandrywing,‘n warm opponent in hierdie marksegment waar hy sommige van sy mededingers ore gaan aansit.

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Launched: Honda Brio

The speedy decision

Today I bring you news of a very, very important car. Obviously it’s important enough for the manufacturer to launch this new model in our market but more importantly, it slots into our market’s most popular segment, around R120,000. So everyone, please say hello to the new Honda Brio.

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Launched: Audi A3 [2012]

The new popularity

I’ve bought quite a few cars over the years and my shortlists usually included some or other derivative of a car which I believe to be a sensible and beautifully engineered hatchback. It’s never been the most affordable and I’m yet to own one so my admiration of the Audi A3 lives on.

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Launched: Hyundai i20 [2012]

The refurbished chance

Today I bring you news of the freshly face-lifted Hyundai i20 which, for most people, probably bears the same significance as a kitchen appliance sale at your local mall. So – for those of you in need of a new dishwasher, err car, you may want to read on.

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