Faltering economies and a wanderlust virus have wreaked havoc with many people’s wallets so NamWheels takes a good look at another budget vehicle.
City slickers!
An alternative to a failing transport sector: The city slicker duel
Since the start of the new decade, we’ve been fortunate to test a range of small hatchbacks, made for the ever-increasing demand of compact, affordable cars for the expanding urban jungle. Some would agree that our public transport systems are becoming a potential headache, with safety being the main concern. Should a new car be the only option to leave this problem behind, we may be able to help.
Renault Kwid vs. Datsun Go
One entered the South-African market in 2014, the other in 2016. Both saw (and still see) countless amounts of criticism, both launched their latest models in November 2019, and both sell as entry-level models in a difficult financial market.
Weekend test: Datsun Go Automatic
A go for the new Datsun GO CVT?
Looking at a price point below the R190k mark and opting for an automatic hatchback, will always be a head scratcher. Especially if you are thinking of buying new…
A go for the new Datsun GO CVT?
Looking at a price point below the R190k mark and opting for an automatic hatchback will always be a head-scratcher. Especially if you are thinking of buying new…
Launch Report: Datsun Go Automatic
Datsun aims to broaden market share with CVT range
Have you heard any rumors during the past few weeks, stating that Datsun might move out of South Africa? Well, think again. Datsun and Nissan South Africa have the best possible answer to counter any suspicion.
2018 Datsun Go
Verbeterde veiligheid en toerusting
Toe die Datsun Go vier jaar gelede op die Suid-Afrikaanse mark bekend gestel is, was die groot kritiek die gebrek aan veiligheidstoerusting. Dit het geen lugsakke of sluitweer (ABS) remme gehad nie. Later is ‘n enkele lugsak vir die bestuurder bygevoeg op die Lux modelle. Die gedagte was om die koste so laag as moontlik te hou en sodoende ‘n nuwe voertuig in die bereik van moontlike eerste kopers te plaas…
Tested: Datsun Go
The older concerns
Unlike the older members of our society, my memories of this brand are quite unpleasant. The last time I stepped out of a Datsun, I was in considerably pain and the car was in pieces. I have to stress that this was neither the car nor the driver’s fault, but rather that of a distracted motorist.
Bekendstelling: Datsun GO
GO Man Go!
Twee jaar na dit bekend geword het dat die ou bekende handelsmerk, Datsun, weer op die mark gaan wees, is die Datsun GO nou te koop. Die ouer garde sal die gewilde Datsun modelle van die sewentiger en tagtiger jare onthou soos die 1600 SSS en die 120Y toe hulle die topverkopers in die land was.