Tested: 2019 Jaguar XJ50

Many years ago, special and limited editions were all the automotive rage. Where most nations have moved on, the U.K. got stuck on Special Editions so badly that it’s almost impossible to purchase a non-SE automobile. Even high-end stuff like this Jaguar XJ get the treatment, although this XJ50 model is rather more bespoke than a 320d SE…

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Top5: Affordable Cars

Welcome to one of NamWheels’ more regular features – our list of top 5 car-related items.

Times are tough. You’re living on two minute noodles and your shoes have holes in them but you saved plenty of big notes (and a meaty deposit) for a shiny new car. Of course you could always look at a more affordable second-hand car (which offers better value) but we are focussing on new cars only.

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Geskiedenis: TATA

TATA: Wat u nie geweet het nie!

Tata is reeds ‘n dekade of twee of meer ‘n vertroude naam in Namibië. Eers deur ingevoerde vragmotors uit Indië en later die bekendstelling van ‘n reeks bakkies en motors in suidelike Afrika. Die eerst Tata-bakkies wat hier vanaf die vloer gekoop kon word, was die Telcoline. Die naam van hierdie voertuig vertel eintlik die geskiedenis van die motormaatskappy.

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Spesiale Verslag: Tata Ekonomie Rit

2,100km met net 120 liter se voggies – is dit moontlik?

2,100km met net 120 liter brand-stof… Dis die uitdaging wat Tata gestel het vir ’n oorland-rit ‘n paar weke gelede vanaf net duskant Beitbrug tot digby die suidelikste punt van Afrika, Kaap Agulhas. Dis soortgelyk aan die teerpad-afstand vanaf Ruacana na Swakop (700km), dan daarvandaan oor Windhoek en Keetmanshoop na Lüderitz (1,200km), en weer terug na Keetmans…

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Top List: best non-4×4 ground clearance

Do you bang the middle man?

(is jy bang vir die middelmannetjie?) So you live on a plaas but don’t have / want a 4×4. Here’s a list of affordable cars with high ground clearance that are not 4×4, SUV’s, AWD, Crossovers, Bakkies, LCV’s, etc. 

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Bekendstelling: Datsun GO

GO Man Go!

Twee jaar na dit bekend geword het dat die ou bekende handelsmerk, Datsun, weer op die mark gaan wees, is die Datsun GO nou te koop. Die ouer garde sal die gewilde Datsun modelle van die sewentiger en tagtiger jare onthou soos die 1600 SSS en die 120Y toe hulle die topverkopers in die land was.

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Tested: Range Rover Autobiography SDV8

The exquisite collection

Hey, you know what? It’s been too long since one of my inexhaustible confessions and here it comes: although I thoroughly enjoy driving a new car every week, there were two vehicles I was especially keen to get my hands on in 2013. One of them just blew my mind, again, and it was the new Range Rover.

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Tested: 2011 Jaguar XF S

The fancy feast

If I mention the word Jaguar do you also think of a spotted tiger and stodgy British cars? More senior readers might lean back, tug on their pipes and reminisce about Le Mans D-Types, sexy E-Types and Mark Twos but you’ll be hard-pressed to locate a fanatical S-Type or X-Type owner.

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