Tested (again): Hyundai Tucson R2.0 Diesel Elite Automatic

The epic trip

I’m sure you’ve heard of the custom that bumping into a friend for the second (or third) time in quick succession means you should go for coffee together? Well, I firmly believe in this and when it comes to cars, the new Hyundai Tucson and I are going for coffee, muffins, cappuccino and a light brunch.

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Launch Report: Hyundai Tucson Diesel

The strong contender

The new Hyundai Tucson has been making quite a few waves since it arrived in our market around March of this year. Besides its double name change from Tucson to ix35 and back to Tucson again for this third generation SUV, it’s also garnered quite a bit of praise from the local media. Chicks dig it.

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Bekendstelling: Hyundai Santa Fe [2013]

Kraaknuut 4×4 Supersport uit Korea

In die relatiewe kort tydperk wat Hyundai op die plaaslike mark beskikbaar is, het hierdie Koreaanse vervaardiger, by wyse van spreke, die stryd as een van die topverkopers in die land amper stormenderhand oorwin.

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Geskiedenis: Hyundai

Hyundai: Van Basterponie tot Volbloed Hings!

Korea was tot ‘n dekade of wat gelede ‘n land iewers in die Ooste waarvan Suid-Afrikaners min geweet het en selde besoek het. Maar by sommige van ons ouer lesers mag daar tog noue bande met Korea bestaan omdat hulle pa’s of oupa’s in 1950 lede van die “Vlieënde Cheetahs” was wat daar saam met die Amerikaanse Lugmag teen die Kommunistiese Noord-Korea geveg het.

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