It’s not an impossible task: getting from one side of Africa to the other in just one filling of your fuel tank. Especially if your route is longitudinal, near the thinner southern bits, and your chosen vehicle is a highly refined and efficient Hyundai…
First Drive: 2020 Hyundai Creta
How do you keep the insatiable SUV market interested in your wares? By refining them, of course. Hyundai South Africa just showed us how it’s done…
Volvo XC60 T6 vs V90 Cross Country D5
There you are, standing outside your local Volvo dealership after close of business and that stunning blue XC60 you had your heart set on is parked next to a cool grey V90 Cross Country. Dang it, which dotted line do you sign on?
BMW engine codes
What’s the difference between an M52 and the S52? Find out here in our handy chat of petrol and diesel BMW engine codes:
Launch Report: Hyundai Tucson Diesel
The strong contender
The new Hyundai Tucson has been making quite a few waves since it arrived in our market around March of this year. Besides its double name change from Tucson to ix35 and back to Tucson again for this third generation SUV, it’s also garnered quite a bit of praise from the local media. Chicks dig it.
Padtoets: Hyundai H1
H1-bussie bied nou selfs nog meer as die vorige modelle
Hyundai se bemarkingspan in Suid-Afrika het, sedert die bekendstelling van sy petrol- en turbo-diesel formaat H1-reeks in 2009, uitstekend daarin geslaag om hierdie gewilde negesitplekbussie ‘n markleier hier te lande te maak. Dit was veral die toe bloeiende toeristemark wat ‘n groot afsetgebied geskep het maar wat die laaste jaar noustrop getrek het onder drakoniese en sinnelose wetgewing vanaf regeringskant.
Tested: BMW 340i
The old M3
Over the years I’ve made some conclusions about cars and I’m more than happy to share one of them with you now. If you’re after a performance car, run your finger to the most powerful end of a showroom price list and slide it down one notch. That’s right, don’t buy a BMW M3. Buy a 340i.
Sprint Review: BMW 320d (Sport)
One new car, lots of information in random paragraphs.
Some facts: The BMW 3-Series has always been the sporting driver’s choice and I’ll get straight to it – it still is. While other car makers are trying to infuse youthful dynamism into their machines, BMW just keeps filing away little-by-little at this winning recipe. In fact, this new model looks like they haven’t filed at all…
Sestig Jaar Citroën DS
Sestig Jaar Citroën DS
Citroën is ‘n ander soort motor en dit is nou sestig jaar sedert die “anderste”, vaartbelynde haai-op-wiele die aandag wêreldwyd getrek het, en nog steeds fassineer.
Padtoets: Hyundai i10
Teen 55 myl per gelling deur die Engelse platteland!
Die onlangse duisend myl deur die Engelse platteland met ‘n Hyundai in September het talle herinneringe opgeroep uit my jeug, veral die gebruik om brandstofverbruik in terme van myl per gelling uit te druk.