YOU are now looking at a Mazda CX5 Carbon Edition in, uhh, is that Soul Red Metallic? Anyway, as we like to thrive on bizarrely random information, here goes.
Mazda CX-5 2.0 Dynamic vs. Renault Koleos 2.5 Dynamique
While our automotive market surges ahead with downsizing and/or electrification, there are a few vehicles which either didn’t get the memo yet, or they’re desperately waiting for a newer version to take the baton. And with both their names promising dynamism, how could we not compare these two oddball SUV’s?
2021 Mazda CX-3 vs CX…?
Mazda is in big trouble. This is merely an assumption on my part because I used to think that the left-field Japanese brand was simply dancing to its own tune. But after testing their small(est) CX crossover, I got the feeling that they are in a spot of bother…
Vergelyking: Mazda CX-30 vs Mazda CX-5
Mazda het oor die afgelope paar jaar al meer van ‘n goeie indruk begin lewer. Dit gebeur bitter selde dat ons by NamWheels fout vind met ‘n Mazda model, bloot omdat dit goeie waarde vir geld bied.
Sprint Review: Mazda CX-5 Carbon Edition
Special Editions. In the world of Japanese pick-ups and that British island in the North Atlantic, a special edition has become its very own antithesis. They’re so common that you’ll be hard pressed to find a standard model… so why did Mazda decide to plaster the word “Carbon” over this CX-5?
Padtoets: Toyota RAV4 GX AWD
Toyota se verbeterde RAV4 sit ‘n trotse tradisie voort
Die bekendstelling van Toyota se oorspronklike RAV4 so twee dekades gelede het in die jare daarná selfs dié vervaardiger se stoutste verwagtinge oortref. En sonder twyfel gaan die nuutste en vierde generasie RAV met sy vyf verskillende modelle ‘n nuwe hoofstuk byvoeg tot hierdie suksesverhaal en sal sy mededingers in die gewilde SUV-marksegment hulle sokkies moet optrek.
Padtoets: Mazda CX-5
Nuttige Nuutjie uit die Ooste
Mazda se CX-5 nutsvoertuig is al ‘n hele tydjie op die mark maar ons het onlangs ‘n toetsmotor ontvang om onder normale en dag-tot-dag toestande te evalueer. Hierdie model het egter ‘n paar vernuwings ondergaan om hom méér omgewingsvriendelik te maak.