Sprint Review: 2022 Renault Duster 1.5dCi Automatic
The Renault Duster isn’t a particularly interesting or exciting vehicle but – at least with an automatic box of cogs – it gets the unanimous approval of our team at NamWheels.
Flitsverslag: Renault Duster 1.5 dCi Dynamique 4WD
Die veelsydige en bekostigbare Renault Duster is weereens in ons oprit, maar na vele toetse met die einste model oor die vorige paar jare (dit sluit selfs ‘n toer na Lüderitz in) vra ons onsself die vraag af: “Wat maak hierdie Duster juis anders?”
Sprint Review: 2020 Renault Duster Techroad
By now it should be a well-known fact that the Renault Duster was actually born as a Romanian Dacia budget SUV. This second generation is more polished as I found out during my time with a Techroad model.
Padtoets: 2019 Renault Koleos
Koleos die wenner, waarna niemand kyk
Die Renault Koleos is die Franse vervaardiger se glansperd as dit kom by die Sportsnuts mark en natuurlik het dit ‘n string kompetisie, waarvan ‘n paar name soos die Volkswagen Tiguan, Toyota Rav4, Ford Kuga en Mazda CX5 die mees bekende is.
Kan Renault dit regkry om hulself tussen hierdie bekende vervaardigers in te druk?
Road Trip: 2019 Renault Duster 4WD Dynamique
The comfort zone
I’m writing a book. Like every author before me, I think the world is just waiting to hear my amusing short stories entitled “The Wrong Car”. These detail the many memorable trips I’ve made with cars which were way out of their comfort zone… which happily doesn’t apply to my recent excursion to southern Namibia with this 4WD Duster.
Bekendstelling: 2019 Mahindra XUV300
Mahindra se nuutste sportsnuts, die XUV300
In die passasiersmotormark in Suid-Afrika wat tans maar traag is, is die segment vir die kleiner gesinsmotor die enigste een wat groei toon. Hierdie nuwe produk van Mahindra is duidelik vir die mark bedoel. Dit word die XUV300 (drie dubbel nul) genoem en pas mooi in tussen sy twee familielede, die klein KUV100 en die groter XUV500.
Renault Duster 4WD Launch Report
New Duster here to upset market.
Launched in October 2018, the 2WD Renault Duster saw a completely new version of the first iconic Duster generation (2012). We already had the chance to test this and quite liked the small SUV. Now, Renault has just launched the new 4WD version, capable of taking on the roads less traveled.
Tested: 2018 Renault Duster 1.5 dCi Prestige (Auto)
The better respect
The more things change, the more they stay the same. Renault lent us their (current) top-of-the-line Duster to showcase the many improvements its recent update brought about.