Mahindra recently changed their brand design, including its logo and overall appearance. Voted the Indian Car of the Year, the new XUV700 is one of the first Mahindras to fall under this new branding. We took a closer look at this new SUV competitor.
Tested: 2022 Mahindra XUV300 W8
Great news for those who aren’t scared to stray from the trusted brands in search of better value: the Indian brand Mahindra recently updated their XUV300 compact crossover.
Padtoets: 2019 Mahindra XUV 300 W8 1.5 Diesel
Mahindra neem ‘n yslike tree vorentoe
- Mis jy die 1980’s “sitcoms”?
- Het jy dalk agressie probleme?
- Mis jy die geluid van jou mikrogolfoond se ‘beep’ geluid deur die dag?
As jy ‘Ja’ op enige van hierdie vrae geantwoord het, is die nuwe Mahindra XUV 300 perfek vir jou.
Padtoets: 2019 Mahindra XUV 500 2.2 CRDe W10
Minder uit die beursie, meer waarde.
Die SUV (Sportsnut voertuig) mark is nie onbekend aan Suider Afrika nie. Nie net is die een van die mees populêre segmente nie, maar verkies amper elke vervaardiger om deesdae ‘n gedeelte van hierdie koek te neem. Om ‘n voertuig te ontwikkel, wat bekostigbaar is en goeie kwaliteit behou, is dus uiter kompiterend. Mahindra mag dalk net met die oplossing vorendag gekom het.
Bekendstelling: 2019 Mahindra XUV300
Mahindra se nuutste sportsnuts, die XUV300
In die passasiersmotormark in Suid-Afrika wat tans maar traag is, is die segment vir die kleiner gesinsmotor die enigste een wat groei toon. Hierdie nuwe produk van Mahindra is duidelik vir die mark bedoel. Dit word die XUV300 (drie dubbel nul) genoem en pas mooi in tussen sy twee familielede, die klein KUV100 en die groter XUV500.
Tested: 2010 Subaru Outback 2.0 Diesel
The bloated estate
I’m assuming that some of you have just returned from a long, hot and tiresome holiday trip ready to trade in the spouse’s ageing wheels. In your absence, most dealerships have steam-cleaned the driveway, topped up the coffee machine and are waiting (some, anxiously) for your visit.
Tested: 2010 Subaru Outback 3.6R Premium
The new XUV
Subaru South Africa’s website alleges that they sell six distinctive model ranges, four of which I’ve already tested. Forester, Impreza, Legacy and Outback are now familiar territory to yours truly with only the Tribeca and STi left for us to test. If anyone at Subaru is reading this, I wouldn’t mind an STi press demonstrator; for a month.