Top List: Boot Space

Ag no man. Your mother-in-law is coming along on holiday and the kids want to take ALL their toys and sports equipment along. Where are you going to fit all of this?

Perhaps you have already invested in a sizable trailer and decent roof-top box but your car simply can’t handle more luggage. Well, we at NamWheels love to help and have compiled a list of cars with at least 400L of luggage space. Big enough to put your skoonma in the boot.

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Tested: Kia Cerato Koup

The sexy revelation

I’m a big coupé fan. Most of my own cars had two doors, their sleeker and sportier disposition always appeals to me. Without the need for regular rear seat access, tall drivers like yours truly can recline for extra comfort and bask in the decadence of using just the front seats.

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Tested: Kia Cerato hatch 1.6 EX

The likable angle

I’m really struggling to find an angle for this review of Kia’s new Cerato hatchback, come up with something I haven’t voiced before. Much improved quality, vastly better designs, great specs, blah blah fishpaste. So perhaps I’ll just string together some impressions from our test.

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