Volvo XC60 T6 vs V90 Cross Country D5

There you are, standing outside your local Volvo dealership after close of business and that stunning blue XC60 you had your heart set on is parked next to a cool grey V90 Cross Country. Dang it, which dotted line do you sign on?

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Sprint Review: Volvo V60 Cross Country

A new car, lots of information in short paragraphs.

What you need to know: The Volvo V60 is an estate car, no doubt about it. South Africans hate estate cars because they think of them as hearses. Volvo’s been clever by nailing some off-roady bits to a normal V60 and calling it “Cross Country”. You see? No more undertaker! All lifestyle, ready for your mountain bike trip…

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Top List: Boot Space

Ag no man. Your mother-in-law is coming along on holiday and the kids want to take ALL their toys and sports equipment along. Where are you going to fit all of this?

Perhaps you have already invested in a sizable trailer and decent roof-top box but your car simply can’t handle more luggage. Well, we at NamWheels love to help and have compiled a list of cars with at least 400L of luggage space. Big enough to put your skoonma in the boot.

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Tested: Volvo V60 D4

To many people, the name Volvo conjures up images of solid, staid, somewhat pricey reliability and safety. The ubiquitous family estate car stuffed with irritable children, or the somewhat unimaginative but comfortable sedan being driven by a harried businessman. Few people would have associated words like dynamic, cutting edge design, innovation, funky, cool or chic with a Volvo. But that has all changed and Volvo’s new 60 series is an affirmation of this impressive change of association.

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Launched: Volvo 60 Series [2013]

The crazy love

People. That’s who Volvo alleges their cars are made for. Until dogs or potted plants learn to drive, it may be a painfully obvious statement but, together with their hashphrase #MadeForYou, it does evoke warm fuzziness that this isn’t just another cold-hearted maker of mass transport.

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