Padtoets: 2021 Toyota Corolla Hybrid

Toyota se ikoniese familie voertuig nou hibried

Die ikoniese Toyota Corolla is en was nog altyd ‘n staatmaker. Met die huidige sedan mark, wat ‘n ernstige knou kry vanaf die groeiende SUV mark, is die Corolla omtrent die enigste bekostigbare familie sedan op die mark. Met ‘n uitmuntende reputasie sedert die 1960’s het Toyota pas die Corolla nog meer aanloklik gemaak.

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Sprint Review: Toyota Prius

A new car, lots of information in short paragraphs.

What you need to know: The Toyota Prius was the first petrol-electric hybrid vehicle to go into mass production around 1997 and its maker sold about nine million hybrids since (including Lexus). 2,900 of those were in bakkie-mad, long-distance southern Africa. Exact Namibian sales numbers unknown… 

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Top List: Boot Space

Ag no man. Your mother-in-law is coming along on holiday and the kids want to take ALL their toys and sports equipment along. Where are you going to fit all of this?

Perhaps you have already invested in a sizable trailer and decent roof-top box but your car simply can’t handle more luggage. Well, we at NamWheels love to help and have compiled a list of cars with at least 400L of luggage space. Big enough to put your skoonma in the boot.

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Padtoets: 2012 Lexus RX450h

Koning van Japan?

Dit voel soos nou-die-dag wat ek die bekendstelling van die eerste Lexus RX-modelle ‘n hele paar jaar gelede in die Kaap bygewoon het. Die eerste indruk van die RX was dat hy ‘n nuwe mode stelling gemaak het met sy vaartbelynde voorkoms en die toonbeeld van krag wat hy uitgestraal het, heeltemal in kontras met die 4×4 voertuie van die tyd.

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Launched: 2011 Toyota Auris Hybrid & TRD

The polar opposites

It’s tough at the top and even tougher to stay there – something Toyota Motors South Africa is keen to achieve by giving their product line up a thorough seeing to. Their immediate plan appears to include a dash of excitement and further riding of the hybrid wave.

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Launched: Toyota Prius III [2009]

Green goes gold

Four point five litres per hundred kilometres; that was the average consumption of the new Toyota Prius I recently drove for two days on its official launch. The third generation Prius will shortly be available from selected Toyota dealerships to maintain and build on its ecological and economical image. Especially the second model (2003) made the Prius into a runaway success, so much so that in April 2008 it smashed the one million sales mark since its first incarnation arrived in 1997.

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