Top List: Boot Space

Ag no man. Your mother-in-law is coming along on holiday and the kids want to take ALL their toys and sports equipment along. Where are you going to fit all of this?

Perhaps you have already invested in a sizable trailer and decent roof-top box but your car simply can’t handle more luggage. Well, we at NamWheels love to help and have compiled a list of cars with at least 400L of luggage space. Big enough to put your skoonma in the boot.

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Tested: 2012 Honda Accord Tourer 2.4 iVTEC Exclusive

The loaded promise

One of the most striking things about the motor industry is its diversity; not just in terms of products but the preferences of various regions. Every continent, nation, country, often even province is different from the next and what sells next door may not even feature on the newest local brochure.

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Padtoets: Honda Accord Tourer 2.2i DTEC

Sportwa by uitstek

Ons beurt om die Honda Accord stasiewa te toets, nadat hy al ‘n jaar op die mark is, was nou een van die aangenaamste verrassings in ‘n lang tyd. Stasiewaens verkoop nie eintlik regtig goed in Namibië of Suid-Afrika nie; anders as in Duitsland waar BMW, Mercedes en Audi volop is en hulle op die Autobahn amper harder gery word as Porsches.

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