Here’s our list of cars we tested in 2015 which made such a good impression that we just had to tell you about them…
Sprint Review: Kia Soul 1.6 A/T DSL Smart
One new car, just a few hours behind the wheel.
What you need to know: Now in its second generation, the Kia Soul is a strange-looking box of a car which is actually quite versatile and good to drive. With LED’s here, more space there and fresh drive trains, gen two retains the proportions of its ancestor (2009-2014) while upping specification levels.
Padtoets: 2015 KIA Soul
Nuwe Sielsaligheid!
Lesers gaan dink dat dit is godslasterlik om ‘n motor en ‘n siel in dieselfe asem te noem, motors kan immers nie siele hê nie. Maar daar is egter wel so-iets soos ‘n emosie wat ‘n mens kan ervaar, iets soos welsaligheid wat gepaard gaan met positiewe ervarings. Volgens ons roep die KIA Soul van hierdie emosies en gevoelens op! En dan die ander lewensles; moet nooit iemand op sy baadjie takseer nie!
Bekendstelling: Citroen Cactus
Citroen is weer anders met nuwe C4 Cactus
Die Citroëns van die ou dae het ‘n reputasie gehad van ‘n bietjie anders wees maar die laaste paar jaar was hulle maar nog net deel van die hoofstroom Europese motors. Nou het Citroën met die nuwe C4 Cactus weer ‘n model wat jy op ‘n afstand kan uitken tussen die ander. Party mense sal dink hy is pragtig, terwyl ander weer glad nie van sy voorkoms sal hou nie. In Suid-Afrika vervang die Cactus die C4 reeks.
Tested: 2013 KIA Soul 2.0
The weird express
This week’s test car is rather special to me for number of reasons, chief among which is the fact that the first ever official launch I attended was for the then-new Soul. It’s not the most amazing car on the planet yet I adore its individuality and cheeky, boxy shape.
The hidden gems
Despite fluctuating sales the motoring industry has never offered more diversity and consumers are absolutely spoilt rotten for choice when it comes to selecting their next set of wheels. We at NamWheels have compiled a wee list of cars which we believe to be hidden gems.
Padtoets: KIA Soul 2.0
‘n Plesierige Boksie Buksie by uitstek!
Oor die jare heen was KIA nog altyd vir my half en half ‘n misterie, veral nadat ek meer as tien jaar gelede in Duitsland gesien het dat die KIA handelsmerk een van die mees bekendes daar was. Soveel so dat een van die handelaars daar ook Volkswagens verkoop het! Dit terwyl Hyundai by ons die groot Koreaanse verkoper was en KIA’s tweede viool gespeel het.
Tested: 2011 Chevrolet Orlando 1.8 LT
The toothless assault
Many car manufacturers like to make a big noise about their latest product and urge you to buy the best thing since sliced biltong. Most of their marketing efforts are just steam-powered self-promotion but occasionally a grain of truth slips through…