Bekendstelling: Hyundai Accent Luikrug

Paslaken tussen die i20’s en i30’s

‘n Ander opskrif vir die artikel miskien ‘n Noord-Kaapse sêding gewees het;  “tussen die tjoep en die taaier.” Daar is net-net plek vir die paslaken tussen die twee bestaande modelle en dit is meer ‘n saak van die verskil in pryse as in grootte wat die nuwe aankomeling so welkom maak op ons mark.

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Launched: Hyundai Accent hatchback

The new reason

By now, Hyundai’s success story is well documented and the Korean manufacturer has carefully crafted its tracks in the local motor industry. With over 50,000 units sold last year, Hyundai’s S.A. division ranks 13th worldwide and has helped the global brand from 6th to 5th position for car makers.

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Tested: Honda Civic iDTEC

The individual look

In a perfect world, we’d all drive the same car. Wait, did I just type perfect? I meant imperfect. One of the greatest luxuries we have is choice, the ability to indulge our individual tastes. You drive a Golf, he drives a Focus, she drives a Hyundai and I’ve got a Civic.

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Bekendstelling: Hyundai i30

Stel nuwe standaarde in sy klas

Die stof het nog nie behoorlik gaan lê, en die roes is nog nie behoorlik afgeslaap ná die fenomenale ontvangs en prestasies van Hyundai se nuwe Elantra nie, of die i30 verskyn op die rakke om nog enige moontlike gapings in Hyundai se arsenaal van puik en aantreklike motors in die kompakte segment te vul.

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Launched: Hyundai i30 [2012]

The sensible focus

Last week saw the introduction of the Hyundai i30, a compact hatchback competing in the C-segment against favourites like the VW Golf, Opel Astra and Ford Focus. The Korean is all-new and armed with a few goodies to create some European headaches.

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