Top 5: Cars of the Year 2016

So here’s something different. Each year we list our favourite new cars which were launched over the last 12 months but this time around, instead of us telling you which ones we liked, our Facebook page invited YOU to vote your favourite new ride of 2016.

The list of candidates was chosen from the launches we attended or vehicles we thought were brilliant newcomers and worthy of being included in this line-up.

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Launched: Isuzu KB Update

Eager show off its updated KB, Isuzu invited us for a launch in the Namib!

Anco Baard

General Motors South Africa were kind enough to take a handful of motoring journalists into the dunes of the Namib for two days to sample the all new Isuzu KB300 to see ho wit stacks up against not only the competition, but its older brother.

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Tested: Isuzu KB250 4×4 LE

Isuzu spruced up its KB range – we test the KB250 4×4 Double Cab.

Henrie Geyser

Bakkies are hugely popular in this country, just like “UTEs” in Australia and “trucks” in Yankeeland, and Namibians have a vast choice of brands and models in 4×2 or 4×4, single or double cab guises to pick a load-carrying chariot of their choice.

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Sprint Review: Isuzu KB 3.0 D-Tec 4×4

One new car, lots of information

As a city kid that was transplanted to a farm at the tender age of 10, a bakkie has always held a certain kind of magical fascination for me. I think it stems from those early days of embracing farm life on a massive estate that mixed dairy, sheep, fruit and grape farming into one fabulous whole and which was managed by friendly farm managers who didn’t mind nosy kids tagging along for a ride on the back of their sturdy farm bakkies.

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Bekendstelling: Isuzu se kraaknuwe KB’s

Enkeles, dubbeles en een-en-‘n halwes

Mededinging om ‘n beduidende aandeel in die mark vir bakkies in Suid-Afrika moet beslis van die taaiste in die wêreld wees.  Die land se ekonomie word veral deur primêre sektore gedryf waar die funksionaliteit van veral die 1-tonners onontbeerlik is en wat gevolglik ideale bemarkingsomstandighede skep.

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Tested: 2012 Honda Accord Tourer 2.4 iVTEC Exclusive

The loaded promise

One of the most striking things about the motor industry is its diversity; not just in terms of products but the preferences of various regions. Every continent, nation, country, often even province is different from the next and what sells next door may not even feature on the newest local brochure.

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Bekendstelling: 2011 Toyota Hilux

Die Nuwe Gesig van ‘n Wenner

In Suid-Afrika en Namibië is die mark vir een ton bakkies  ‘n baie belangrike en hoogs kompeterende mark. Toyota se Hilux , waarvan die bakvorm nou al van 2005 kom,  is nou al reeds ‘n hele aantal jare die top verkoper in hierdie mark…

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Padtoets: Isuzu KB-reeks LX 300 4×4

Kyk weer!

Oor die jare heen het Isuzu bakkies ‘n reputasie opgebou vir enjins wat hou. Die eerste gewone dieselenjins wat jare lank hulle ding onder die enjinkgap gedoen het, sonder turbo-aanjaging, was onverwoesbaar. Daarna het die Isuzu bakkie vir ‘n tyd lank in die sewentigerjare as die Chevrolet LUV bekend gestaan; amper soos die Corsa wat ook nou die korporatiewe handelsnaam gekry het.

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