While everyone is rushing to market with their twin-scroll compact SUV’s, Mazda appears to be fast asleep. Or are they?
Padtoets: 2018 Nissan Micra Acenta Plus
‘n Ouer tiener met meer selfvertroue
Die Nissan Micra het nog altyd ietwat gesukkel met ‘n identiteitskrisis. Tydens my studentejare was die Micra bekend as die kar waarin vroulike studente hul grimering doen terwyl hulle (onwetend) deur rooi ligte versnel.
Sprint Review: Nissan Micra 66kW turbo Acenta Plus
A rejuvenated compact hatchback, lots of information in short paragraphs.
What you need to know: The Nissan Micra was never a huge sales success – well, at least not in Namibia – but it always represented a solid second choice to the evergreen Polo or once-popular Yaris. And just like those two chief rivals, this Nissan has shaken its frumpy image in favour of a much sharper design and cool tech.
Launch report: 2018 Nissan Micra
New Micra sure to gain more market presence
With striking new looks and a refreshed interior design, the new Nissan Micra not only looks completely different from the previous model but promises improved ride quality, more space and better fuel economy. Ideal for the growing inner-city demand on cars. Here is what we think of the new Micra:
Tested: Kia Picanto 1.2 EX
The small truth
Sometimes my friends and acquaintances can be cruel. Downright rude, even. If I had a Rand for every time I heard “Meh, is that your car for this week?” or “When are you testing a Ferrari?” I’d have, oh, about N$28 now. What most of them refuse to believe is that I enjoy testing small budget cars – like this Kia Picanto.
Launched: Nissan Almera [2013]
The circling respect
Perception. It’s a funny old thing that, teaching us that opinions and tastes will always differ. I was on the brink of writing what could’ve been the shortest review ever when I decided to shift my perception of the car in question and give you more than just one opinion of the new Nissan Almera.
Launched: Hyundai i20 [2012]
The refurbished chance
Today I bring you news of the freshly face-lifted Hyundai i20 which, for most people, probably bears the same significance as a kitchen appliance sale at your local mall. So – for those of you in need of a new dishwasher, err car, you may want to read on.
Tested: 2011 Nissan Micra 1.2 Acenta
The boomerang puppy
Nissans usually make a good impression on yours truly. Even models with just one exhaust pipe and no wings are usually well packaged and good to drive. The Micra was the exception, chiefly because I never tested the previous version and partly because I didn’t like its looks.
Bekendstelling: Nuwe Hyundai i10
Ideale stadsmotor, maar ook vir die langpad.
Verby is die dae waar jy met die koop van ‘n intreevlak motor met net die basiese tevrede moes wees. Die nuwe opgeknapte i10 stel nuwe standaarde vir klein motors teen ‘n bekostigbare prys. Die i10 spog met ‘n hele lys van standaard kenmerke wat mens onlangs net in duurder modelle aangetref het.
Bekendstelling: Nissan Micra [2011]
Maar nou eintlik ‘n Macro!
Dit is nou ‘n hele paar jaar al wat die Nissan Micra op die toneel is. Met die bekendstelling van die reeks destyds, het ek gedink dat die bakvorm effens soos dié van die Nuwe Kewer gelyk het. Maar daar was ‘n groot verskil want hy was ook as ‘n vierdeurmodel beskikbaar.