Top List: best non-4×4 ground clearance

Do you bang the middle man?

(is jy bang vir die middelmannetjie?) So you live on a plaas but don’t have / want a 4×4. Here’s a list of affordable cars with high ground clearance that are not 4×4, SUV’s, AWD, Crossovers, Bakkies, LCV’s, etc. 

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Launched: Toyota Innova

The big badge

Toyota is on the rebound after a few reliability niggles landed them on the wrong end of a witch hunt. Old foes and new competitors are clawing at market share so the Japanese giant had to think fast and aims to fight back with increased quality and quantity of products.

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Bekendstelling: Nuwe Hyundai i10

Ideale stadsmotor, maar ook vir die langpad.

Verby is die dae waar jy met die koop van ‘n intreevlak motor met net die basiese tevrede moes wees. Die nuwe opgeknapte i10 stel nuwe standaarde vir klein motors teen ‘n bekostigbare prys. Die i10 spog met ‘n hele lys van standaard kenmerke wat mens onlangs net in duurder modelle aangetref het.

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